When Should I Plant a Bonsai Tree From a Seed? The perfect time to plant bonsai seeds is in the fall season. This will allow a dormancy period through the winter and have them gradually entering...
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If you are worried about getting ripped off buying a bonsai tree then this guide is for you. We'll go cover how spot a healthy bonsai tree and things to avoid.
Traditionally, there are 5 main styles that bonsai trees fall into, but this is not to say they are the only styles. There are many more. We will go over the traditional styles as well as some of...
Most bonsai tree's only live for about 2 years. People buy them because they are beautiful, then stick them on the mantle or in a window and occasionally (or constantly) water them. This is...
7 Unbelievable Benefits of Bonsai & Why You Should Get a One Now!
What are the benefits of owning a bonsai plant? The pointers below depict the perks of owning a Bonsai plant. Read out the following and gift yourself one. #1) Learning An...